
Employment Vs Recruitment Agencies - What's the Difference?

‘Can you find me a job?’ may be one of the most common responses recruiters hear when they tell someone they work in a recruitment agency. Many people – including Google – get confused between recruitment agencies and employment agencies.

Which job opportunity to go for when there's more than one

Have you ever had trouble deciding between two job offers? In this current market where businesses are looking for outstanding talent to join their team, you may be facing a dilemma of choosing between two job offers..

Managing Workplace Stress

According to the 2023 State of the Global Workplace Report, approximately 50% of the Australian workforce are experiencing significant stress at work, while 67% are quiet quitting. Evidently, workplace stress is a critical issue for Australian workers and is often overlooked compared to physical stress.

Optimising client-recruiter and candidate-recruiter relationships

Are you a recruiter? If so, how often have you heard these comments? “There is too much noise in the market which makes it hard to reach top talent” “We don’t have the luxury of working with candidates exclusively, because they are applying for many jobs at once” 

Psychometric Testing for Recruitment Agencies

Psychometric testing isn’t predictive of a person’s performance” “You can always lie in a psychometric test” “Some people may underperform in a test because they’re nervous” Do you agree with these above statements?

Warming up for 2023

As we approach 2023 in a month, we can utilise our time to prepare for the busiest month ahead. Yes that’s right, January and February are the most popular and busiest times for hiring according to SEEK.

Current Trends in the Recruitment Industry

As a recruitment agency, we’re always on the look-out for current industry trends to see if we need to make any changes in the way we recruit. The advancement of technology and the onset of Covid-19 has definitely impacted the way recruiters operate. 

The Importance of Goal Setting in your Career

Whether you have just entered the workforce or have been working for years, it is important to set career goals to enrich your work life and ensure you achieve satisfaction in what you do. But why set goals? Why not just have a mental plan of what to achieve?


Ghosting or No Shows in Recruitment

One of the surprising things about recruitment is the amount of no shows you get in interviews even in the white-collar space. With the current market being candidate driven, candidates are hot on the market and their popularity means the ball is in their court.

Improving Employee Retention during The Great Resignation

According to a survey done by an American recruitment firm on 1,500 workers in 2018, 33% reported quitting their job within the first 90 days of employment. In other words, for every 3 employees that are hired, 1 of them will quit within the probationary period. 

Tackling the Dangers of Quiet Quitting


Recently, the term ‘quiet quitting’ has been bouncing of the internet and many individuals have different opinions on it. “Quiet quitting gives a sense of personal happiness and satisfaction”  – Maggie Perkins, Former Teacher

How does your university degree assist you when you enter the job market?

Attention university students! Many of you have probably wondered how your university degree will be useful in helping you get a job. As recruiters, here are some things we look for in graduate candidates

Interview Etiquettees - Do's and Don'ts

Nervous for your interview? Ever wonder how you can make the best first impression? As a recruitment agency with years of interviewing experience, here is what stands out to us. Below are some tips and tricks you can use for your next interview

5 Tips on Writing a Great Resume

Have you ever submitted countless CVs across to multiple companies and received no call back? The very first impression an employer has with a prospective employee is through their resume. What are some important things needed in a resume and how can you ensure your resume is eye-catching and true to your capabilities?

Working From Home

The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced the hand of many employers to roll out “Working From Home” arrangements which have been resisted by many for so long. Other forward-thinking employers have been taking up these practices for some time now, being able to offer more flexible working conditions.

Isolation and Keeping Mentally Healthy

It’s a really strange time we are living in right now, many would call it scary. I recently read that 50% of the earth’s population is in quarantine due to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Human beings are social creatures, we do need to socialise, even Introverts need some Human interaction from time to time.

The Six Things That Drives Recruiters Away From You

Finding a job is very similar to dating some things are attractive, and some things are turnoffs.
Job searching is very much like dating: each party sizes the other one up for a good fit.  You are checking out the employer to see if they have what it takes to make you happy…